Synergy Healthcare

Eat Your Way to a Healthier Liver

Eat your way to a healthier liver

What you consume influences the health of your liver. For instance, unhealthy lifestyle choices contribute to the lion’s share of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) cases. NAFLD is the most common liver condition in the U.S. Anyone can develop liver disease. Modifying your diet will help you eat your way to a healthier liver. How Food Affects … Read more

The Benefits of Our Metabolic Health Initiative

How can you benefit from our metabolic health initiative

Some time has passed since we first introduced you to our Metabolic Health Initiative (MHI). The new year is fast approaching, so we wanted to review the benefits of our Metabolic Health Initiative so you can get a jump start on those 2022 goals. What is the Metabolic Health Initiative? Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) … Read more

Liver & Heart Disease—What’s the Link?

Liver disease and heart disease- What's the link_

It’s not uncommon for health conditions to overlap; read our latest blog on liver and heart disease to see what the link between the 2 is! According to the American Heart Association, about 25% of adults worldwide experience an accumulation of fat buildup in their liver. This buildup is referred to as non-alcoholic fatty liver … Read more

Fatty Liver Disease: Am I At Risk?

Fatty Liver Disease: Am I at Risk?

Fatty liver disease is a condition caused by the storage of extra fat in the liver. While most people have no symptoms, it can lead to liver damage in some cases. Determining if you’re at risk for fatty liver disease begins with knowing exactly what the risk factors are. Fat Accumulation in the Liver Non-alcoholic … Read more

What is a Fibroscan | Testing Preparation, Procedure and Results

So what's a fibroscan anyway?

As a part of our metabolic health initiative (MHI) here at Synergy Healthcare, we offer FREE fibroscans for adults at risk of developing liver disease. So, what’s a fibroscan anyway? This simple test provides many benefits to you and your health. Here’s what makes this technology such a valuable healthcare tool. Transient Elastography FDA-approved transient … Read more

Managing Diabetes is Getting Easier. Here’s Why.

Managing diabetes is getting easier. Here's why

A diabetes treatment plan simultaneously manages diet, blood sugar monitoring, exercise, and medications. When you add in taking care of family, work, and spending time with loved ones, it can be overwhelming. Recent advances in care options are making managing diabetes more manageable. Ultimately, by reducing the burden on patients, you also break down more … Read more

Restoring Your Synergy

Restoring Your Synergy

Every living organism shares a similar process where our body takes what we consume and turns it into energy. Our metabolic system enables this complex process, and when certain conditions affect its function, it can throw off the body’s delicate collaboration. You can start restoring your synergy by learning more about the metabolic system and … Read more

Announcing Metabolic Health Initiative

Introducing our metabolic health initiative

Synergy is building a Metabolic Health Initiative (MHI). The purpose is to increase awareness of Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) caused by fat accumulation in the liver. The initiative will begin in October and will focus on educating individuals about the importance of metabolic health. Metabolic Health Metabolic health is defined as having ideal blood sugar levels, … Read more

Keeping the Holidays Healthy

Keeping it healthy during the holidays

Feasting and merrymaking are an undeniable holiday tradition, with many seasonal favorites too numerous to name. The liver doesn’t know it’s the holidays. Those with liver conditions often bear the brunt of the strain from holiday dinners and social engagements. Keeping the holidays healthy when you have liver disease is possible with a bit of … Read more

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